I got fake-engaged at my writer's retreat

I just got to spend a glorious few days in the Poconos with Lucy Score and Mr. Lucy, where we hunkered down in a cozy house with a beautiful lake view. It was the perfect writing weather: foggy, cloudy, chilly enough for blankets, and a peaceful lake.

I brought along my WIP, a second-chance romantic suspense novel (YEAH!), and got to spend 2.5 days plotting, daydreaming, researching, and making a lot of Pinterest boards of what I think each character's house looks like on the inside (I always end up just ordering new curtains when I do this).



The first morning, Lucy and I went to go visit the beautiful lake and soak in some creative inspiration. We took this adorable picture (see below) and Lucy shared it in her Facebook group (Binge Readers Anonymous!). Quite a few readers pointed out that this picture looks like a very typical engagement announcement. Obviously, after we looked at the picture a second time, we realized that it does, in fact, look like Lucy just asked me to marry her and I'm showing off my (real-life) wedding ring. 😂

Whoops! Although Lucy said she thought it looked like her hand, grabbing my boob. And Jess Snyder theorized it was Lucy, seconds away from shoving me off the dock. The learning lesson here is that I should keep my hands down and away from any photos!


POST-IT NOTES GALORE. Anyone else an office-supply nerd like me? The supplies I usually use for plotting are: Scrivener (a writing program), Wired for Story by Lisa Cron, Bird by Bird by Anne Lamott (the bible!), like eight stacks of post-it notes, highlighters, pens, and one writing notebook.

BUT WHAT ABOUT THE WHISKEY? Yessssssss, we enjoyed some marvelous whiskey (typical writers!) at our retreat! I brought Fireball to make with hot apple cider (cannot recommend enough in this chilly weather), and Lucy brought the most delicious peanut butter whiskey that tasted like drinking a candy bar. 12/10 recommend!
