Hello from the writing cave (again!)

As we wait for news of Max and Fiona's January release (!!!) I'm happy to report that I am back in the writing cave again! I spent a few weeks plotting and character charting and doing a lot of research and then watching YouTube videos on said research. I'm now an expert on a lot of inane things that won't even end up in this book. But as nervous as I always get to open up my Scrivener file to a blank page and just...begin...again...I did so this Monday.

So far its been a lot of fun, and after months of revisions and edits, the wild, bat-shit freedom of first drafting feels joyful and off-the-rails in the best way. The only people who see this draft are my developmental editors, so there is no harm in letting my characters do whatever bonkers things they want 😂

Right now, my word count goal is 2,800 words a day and the first draft is due to my editors on December 31st. So my fingers need to fly! If you don't see me a lot online, its because I'm hunched over a laptop getting two people to fall in love on the page. And I promise I'll have details soon on my next release ❤ And, perhaps, maybe even some Black Friday sales in your future!
