January's Obsessions (All the Netflix!)

It's the end of the month - which means I'm bringing you January's obsessions - aka "what's distracting me from writing my book." 

But before you get too concerned, Freya and Sam's story is going amazingly well, and I've been working with my intrepid beta readers this week to tweak, polish and fix a few pesky plot holes (there's always a few). The next couple weeks are the home stretch for me - and if you don't see me online much, it's because I'm editing like the wind! 

You'll be getting more book news from me in February and March (wink!) but until then...enjoy my favorites this month! I hope I've inspired all of you to seize the day and go binge Netflix shows all weekend long! Wishing you a cozy weekend with coffee, good books and even better dogs. 



What I can't stop watching: Spinning Out

Hit me up if you're currently obsessed with this show! It's dark and slightly campy - just the binge-candy I need during these gray January days. I also binged the entire first season of DEAD TO ME (which I floved - even darker, even campier, hilarious, twisted and so fun) and finished SCHITT'S CREEK (favorite show of all time). Y'all know I'll be watching season 6 of GRACE & FRANKIE aaaaaaaaaaaaaand I just started MRS. FLETCHER on HBO and I need to talk to someone about it! 

What I'm Listening To (Podcast Version)

Conan O'Brien Needs A Friend! Because I walk my dog for like 100+ hours a day, I have a lot of free listening time on my hands. I've been obsessed with Conan O'Brien since middle school (used to come home from school and watch the 6:00pm replay of his show on Comedy Central) and this podcast is the hilarious, witty and light content you need to make your day brighter. Hilarious guests, thoughtful interviews, and all the zany, silly, good-hearted humor you need. 

What I'm Listening To (Audiobook Version)

HAPPY TRAIL by Daisy Prescott! This book is making my little hiker's heart so dang happy! Love on the Appalachian Trail -- how can you resist? Plus it's funny and cute and flirty and when I'm listening I can pretend I'm walking through the Great Smoky Mountains and not past the garbage dumpsters near my city block.  

Current Romance Obsessions

THESE BOOKS! Everyone knows I'm a huge Tessa Bailey fan, and I've been saving these for a special treat. And special treat they were! Hot, sweet, funny, empowering and full of romantic swoon. Devoured them.