A few anniversaries!


On June 27th, 2015, Rob and I got married at a sunflower-filled farm in Woodland, California. It was approximately 100 degrees, our dinner was tacos, taquitos and sangria, and we danced to my two favorite genres of music: Motown and early 2000s hip-hop. We also had not one, but TWO rainbows (double rainbow!) and were even rained on for five seconds, which we took to mean good luck!

Fun wedding facts: Rob and I walked each other down the aisle. Our first dance was to "Crazy Love" by Van Morrison (who we later named our van after). Rob's best friend officially married us in California -- and my little brother married us (unofficially) back home in Philly during the ceremony we hosted for my hometown family. 

We've been together for ten years, married for five, have lived in two states (now three) and have gone on one, six-month-long road trip. Though we only have one dog, I imagine that number will soon grow to 6+.

Other anniversaries this month:

July 1st 2017 - The official day that Rob and I moved into Van Morrison for our road trip across the country and into Canada. We packed our stuff, dropped our house keys off with our landlord, and had one last delicious brunch at The Tower Cafe in Sacramento. And then we headed up north and waved goodbye to our home for eight years -- and embarked on our wildest adventure yet ❤

July 2017 - *Also!!!* That same month, Kathryn Nolan's Hippie Chicks was formed! Many of you know (and love) Joyce, Jodi and Julia -- the three women who have steadfastly run my reader group with kind, loving and motivational intentions. They keep things positive, hopeful and full of bright and shiny love, and their leadership has helped our tiny reader group explode to 2,100+ members! And the members we have have continued to reflect those same values -- strong, supportive and uplifting. It's truly a community I adore and their support for my books has helped shape my entire romance writing career! If you're not a member, come join us!