The Codex series is coming to audio starting in April!


*plays dramatic music* I have release dates for all three Codex books in audio!!

If you haven’t read the Codex series yet, I describe these steamy romantic suspense novels as Mr. and Mrs. Smith meets The Da Vinci Code. Private detectives hunting down stolen rare books. Sexy undercover vibes. Glamorous locations, secret societies, underground tunnels and charming villains abound! Plus, since *I* wrote these books, all three include steamy, swoony sex in unique places (limos! closets! cars!) All three are interconnected standalones, but they are best read in order.

Tantor Media will be releasing the books on:

Behind the Veil (Codex Book 1): April 27th

Under the Rose (Codex Book 2): May 18th

In the Clear (Codex Book 3) : May 25th

That means you’re going to hear every deliciously dirty word, every flirty-argument, every secret shared, every passionate declaration, every book stolen, every fight, every chase scene, every bookshelf that contains a hidden passage, every covert society and glamorous dinner party…

And you’ll hear:

Moments from Behind the Veil like:

This entire week had become a personal study in self-denial. Which was technically good, since before Codex I’d made an entire career of studying; deciphering information, taking every detail apart, assembling it back together. I’d once spent two days cataloging every unique imperfection in a manuscript’s gilded edges. I knew study—the way Delilah’s instincts pointed her toward corruption, my instincts pointed me to obsess over any beautiful piece of history that captivated my attention.

Delilah was not a piece of history. She was no object, no book to be labeled and shelved. But from our first night in the field until now, I was painstakingly aware of my fascination with my partner. I studied that fascination, understood it to be wrong and complicated, unprofessional and potentially dangerous.

Focus was the priority while undercover, I knew that much to be true.

So as Delilah strode toward me, I didn’t notice the silk of her gown and the way it clung to her hips. I didn’t regard the contrast of her raven hair and the white diamonds that dangled from her ears. Her blood-red lips were of no concern to me—and the distinct way my body had begun responding to the sight of my coworker was something to be ignored.

Moments from Under the Rose like:

“I don’t want to kiss you,” I said. “I want you to acknowledge that I’m right and come with me.”

Freya sized up her opponent. “You’re lying through your teeth, Agent Byrne.”

She wasn’t wrong.

It was taking every remaining shred of my willpower not to claim Freya’s lips with my own. They were so full, the bottom lip so plump, and the red of her lipstick was luring me in like a siren song. I could read the twists and turns of her mind. I knew Freya was remembering how we used to spar. Our sweat-slicked bodies pressed tight, muscles alive, chests heaving as we panted.

I used to pick a stupid fight with Freya right before a training session just to work us both up. There was no better release than going toe-to-toe with your equal - the woman who pushed you more than any other.

Moments from In the Clear like:

For the millionth time since meeting her, Sloane Argento had bested me. Cutting through my best defenses and scaling my walls with ease. Maybe my fortress-high walls were there for reason. Maybe Sloane was the woman meant to climb them—her, and only her.

Besides the overpowering desire, the fraught lust, the total pleasure of finally kissing her was a deeper emotion. Deeper, troubling, and absolutely complicating.

My heart.

The organ in question thrashed wildly against my ribcage—so untidy, so chaotic. The exact opposite of what I thought I’d wanted for my life. Yet what I wanted was the raven-haired goddess writhing beneath me right now as our lips bruised each other.