Hello from the mountains!

I’m cartwheeling back into the real world (and the internet) after a week of hectic book deadlines. And my apologies — I was hunched over my laptop, furiously writing all day Friday and it wasn’t until I finally turned in my book and slept that I woke up on Sunday and went, “oh my god I forgot to send my newsletter!” 😂

After a couple all-nighters, some panic-eating of sour bright gummi worms, and a lot of incredible help from my gorgeous beta and sensitivity readers, Dean and Tabitha’s cute friends-to-lovers romance is on to the next stage!

It’ll come back in a week for scene/line edits, prose polishing and various story tweaks — so I’ll have to duck away again to give these two my full attention. But I’m officially in the wowza, I love the hell out of these two, stage of drafting. (Much better than the I want to punch you both in the face stage…)

I’m describing this sweet, cozy romance as ‘Parks and Rec’ meets ‘Rocky/Creed’ with a dash of Roy Kent for the Ted Lasso fans…😉

In personal news, Rob and I are loving living in the Catskills (see below for some mountain pics). Being surrounded by so many big trees, woodland streams and pretty wildlife is the perfect balm to my writer’s soul. Every morning we see deer, families of turkeys, tons of songbirds, blue herons, butterflies, groundhogs…(Walter is loving feeling like he is ‘hunting’ all of these things while on a tight leash). We feel incredibly grateful to be here. And in a couple weeks, it’s time for us to pack up and hit the road again. But you can catch us with our feet in a stream until then.
